Uppsala University, Department of Organismal Biology

PhD position in human population genetics and ancient DNA analyses 

Are you interested in working with human population genetics, with the support of competent and friendly colleagues in an international environment, with the support of competent and friendly colleagues in an international environment? Are you looking for an employer that invests in sustainable employeeship and offers safe, favourable working conditions? We welcome you to apply for a PhD position at Uppsala University.

We're looking for a dedicated PhD student to join our team focused on the DNA research of African populations, both modern and ancient. The selected candidate will be responsible for laboratory work with ancient DNA and the bioinformatic analysis of population genetic data. The goal is to understand African population structure and their genetic responses to changes in lifestyle and environment over time. This position offers a chance to deepen our knowledge of Africa's human population history.

Research will be conducted within the Schlebusch group, Human Evolution Program, Department of Organismal Biology (Evolutionary Biology Center, Uppsala University). The group is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish Research council. The Schlebusch group is specifically interested in studying human history on the African continent and uses genetic data from modern day populations and ancient remains as a tool for the inference of African history. The Human Evolution Program, in which the Schlebusch group is situated, has a broad interest in population genetics and human evolution. There are ample opportunities to work closely with postdocs and PhD students that focus on related projects. The research environment is international with English being the working language. See Prof. Schlebusch web-page for more information on the research and recent publications (Carina Schlebusch - Uppsala University (uu.se) and Human Evolution Program web-page for more information on the Program (http://www.iob.uu.se/research/human-evolution).


The work consists of bioinformatic working in Uppsala University's computer cluster, implementing scripts and running population genetic software as well as programming and statistical analysis. Additionally, the position encompass work in an ancient DNA clean-lab environment.


Completed university education of 240 university points (högskolepoäng, hp) out of which 60 hp on advanced level corresponding to master degree in relevant field. The ideal candidate is highly motivated with thorough education and strong interest in evolutionary genetics/genomics, population genetics and human evolution. Good knowledge of English in speech and writing. Great emphasis is placed on personal qualities such as planning and organizational skills, accountability and accuracy.

Additional qualifications 

Previous experience with large-scale genetic data analysis, bioinformatics, programming and implementation of aDNA bioinformatic pipelines is advantageous. Experience of work at molecular biology research lab or cleanroom. Experience of work with next generation sequencing methods, DNA extraction, PCR and DNA quantification. Experience and knowledge about human population genetics. Fieldwork experience (especially in Africa) and an interest/background in African history.

About the employment
The employment is a temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 § 7. Scope of employment 100 %. Starting date 2024-08-01 or as agreed. Placement: Uppsala

For further information about the position, please contact: Carina Schlebusch carina.schlebusch@ebc.uu.se.

Please submit your application by 7th June 2024, UFV-PA 2024/1731. 

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Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment 2024-08-01
Salary Fixed salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Uppsala
County Uppsala län
Country Sweden
Reference number UFV-PA 2024/1731
  • Carina Schlebusch, 0184710000
Union representative
  • ST/TCO, tco@fackorg.uu.se
  • Seko Universitetsklubben, seko@uadm.uu.se
  • Saco-rådet, saco@uadm.uu.se
Published 17.May.2024
Last application date 07.Jun.2024 11:59 PM CEST

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