Uppsala universitet, Department of Physics and Astronomy

The department conducts world-class research and education in both theoretical and experimental physics and has extensive collaboration with the outside world. The research is carried out at 10 research divisions and covers everything from the unimaginably small to the large in areas such as energy supply, climate development, new materials and the universe. This entire spectrum is also reflected in the department's courses and training programmes. Around 2500 students take courses each year at undergraduate and graduate level at the department. Read more at https://www.physics.uu.se.

About the project

We are engaged in the field of computational materials science, with a focus on magnetic materials for energy applications. Our current project concentrates on developing sustainable permanent magnets for green energy applications. The project is a collaboration between geologists, chemists, and physicists granted by the Swedish Research Council (VR). The task of our computational group is to predict the intrinsic properties of magnetic materials using natural rare-earths compositions from ores discovered in Swedish bedrock. The candidate will combine work with DFT codes, many-electron phenomena and spin dynamics methods. The key properties of our studies are magnetization, exchange interations, and magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Working on the interdisciplinary VR project offers a unique opportunity to be part of a diverse research team that spans materials modelling and experimental work. For more details about see: https://www.uu.se/en/news/2024/2024-11-29-sek-30-million-for-materials-research-for-a-green-transition.


We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc with outstanding qualifications in the field of computational magnetism and materials theory. The successful candidate will work for 2 years within the VR project focusing on ab initio modelling of rare-earth(based) materials for permanent magnet applications.  The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for performing large scale ab initio calculations and spin dynamics simulations. Intense communication between the postdoc and the experimental project partners is expected.

About us

The Division of Materials Theory offers broad expertise in materials modelling, code development, and the fundamental aspects of materials research within an international environment, featuring competent and friendly colleagues. The project will be supervised by Dr. (Docent) Heike Herper and Prof. Olle Eriksson, who have both extensive experience in materials modelling, with a focus on predicting and characterizing magnetic materials. In this project Dr. Alena Vishina will also be active on the theory side and will interact closely with the postdoc.


PhD degree in physics (condensed matter) or a foreign degree equivalent to a PhD degree in this field.

Note: The degree needs to be obtained by the time of the decision of employment. Those who have obtained a PhD degree three years prior to the application deadline are primarily considered for employment. The starting point of the three-year frame period is the application deadline. Due to special circumstances, the degree may have been obtained earlier. The three-year period can be extended due to circumstances such as sick leave, parental leave, duties in labour unions, etc.

  • Strong background in theoretical electronic structure and magnetism
  • Experienced in handling ab initio electronic structure methods (DFT and beyond) and spin dynamics codes
  • Excellent programming skills (e.g., Python, C++ or Fortran)
  • Excellent communication skills in English (written and oral)
  • Capable to independently organize the work in the project
  • Ability to work in a team

Additional qualifications

  • Experience with high-performance computing
  • Experience with handling of strongly correlated systems

About the employment
The employment is a temporary position of 2 years according to central collective agreement. Full time position. Starting date 2025-05-06 or as agreed. Placement: Uppsala

For further information about the position, please contact: Dr. Heike Herper, +46 700389067, heike.herper@physics.uu.se or Prof. Olle Eriksson, +46 704250777, olle.eriksson@physics.uu.se.

Please submit your application by 15 april 2025 , UFV-PA 2025/703.

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Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment Enligt överenskommelse
Salary Individual salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Uppsala
County Uppsala län
Country Sweden
Reference number UFV-PA 2025/703
Union representative
  • Seko Universitetsklubben, seko@uadm.uu.se
  • ST/TCO, tco@fackorg.uu.se
  • Saco-rådet, saco@uadm.uu.se
Published 12.Mar.2025
Last application date 15.Apr.2025 11:59 PM CEST
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