Uppsala University, Department of Ecology and Genetics

The Department of Ecology and Genetics is an international environment with staff and students from all over the world. Our research spans from evolutionary ecology and genetics to ecosystem studies. Learn more at www.ieg.uu.se.

We are now seeking a postdoctoral researcher in “Biogeochemistry of carbon - structure and decomposition of organic colloids” for the Limnology program.

Project description
This is a cross disciplinary project involving biogeochemistry and physical chemistry. Dissolved and colloidal organic matter (DOM) is the largest pool of organic matter in the water column of oceans and inland waters, and in soils and sediments it is also the major interface between dead organic matter and the microbes that mineralize it. The factors that limit the persistence of DOM currently receives large scientific interest, as they are important regulators of the global carbon cycle. Constraints on microbial degradation of DOM may include several factors, including the ability of microbes and their extracellular enzymes to reach the relevant sites in the organic matter, depending on steric hindrance. One cause of steric hindrance may be the aggregation of molecules, whereby enzyme sites are embedded inside organic colloids or particles. This project investigates how the ability of microbes to degrade the DOM depends on to what extent molecules are aggregated. The project is hosted by the biogeochemistry research group in the limnology research program at Uppsala University (https://www.ieg.uu.se/limnology/research/biogeochemistry/) in close collaboration with research groups on microbial ecology (https://portal.research.lu.se/en/organisations/microbial-ecology) and physical chemistry (https://www.physchem.lu.se/) at Lund University.

Experimental studies of the relationship between aggregation within the DOM and microbial degradation. Important aspects of the work will be to analyze the size spectrum of DOM, and to run experiments where transformation and mineralization of DOM will be examined as a function of DOM colloidal size structure. The work will include the development of methods to manipulate the colloidal size spectrum of DOM, and techniques will be developed to separate colloids and free molecules. Ideas how to develop the project are welcome, depending on the interests and skills of the postdoc. Analysis by NMR will be of central importance. The position is at Uppsala University, but a significant part of the work will be performed at Lund University.

Qualifications required
Ph.D. degree or a foreign degree equivalent to a doctoral degree in a field relevant to either biogeochemistry, or physical/chemical analytical methods, or ideally both. The degree needs to be obtained by the time of the decision of employment. Those who have obtained a PhD degree three years prior to the application deadline are primarily considered for the employment. The starting point of the three-year frame period is the application deadline. Due to special circumstances, the degree may have been obtained earlier. The three-year period can be extended due to circumstances such as sick leave, parental leave, duties in labor unions, etc. We attach great importance to personal qualities such as collaborative skills, self-driven, and independent characteristics, analytical skills and openness to develop across disciplines. Candidates must be able to express themselves very good in spoken as well as written English.

Qualifications desired
Advanced knowledge and/or experience in the following will be beneficial: practical and/or theoretical skills in biogeochemistry and/or scattering methods; conducting, interpreting, and publishing biogeochemical studies; experimental work on natural samples such as soil and water.

About the employment
Temporary position for 24 months. Scope of employment: full-time. Starting date 2025-04-01 or as agreed. Location: Uppsala.

For further information about the position, please contact
Professor Lars Tranvik, lars. tranvik@ebc.uu.se, +46 18 471 2722.

Application instructions
The application should include 1) a letter describing yourself, your research interests, and why you want the position, 2) your CV, 3) a brief description of your education, 4) a copy of your Ph.D. degree and your transcripts, along with a copy of your doctoral thesis, 5) names and contact details of at least two referees (email addresses and phone numbers), 6) relevant publications. The application should be written in English.

You are welcome to submit your application no later than February 7, 2025. UFV-PA 2024/4373.

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Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
Salary Individual salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Uppsala
County Uppsala län
Country Sweden
Reference number UFV-PA 2024/4373
Union representative
  • Seko Universitetsklubben, seko@uadm.uu.se
  • ST/TCO, tco@fackorg.uu.se
  • Saco-rådet, saco@uadm.uu.se
Published 13.Dec.2024
Last application date 07.Feb.2025 11:59 PM CET

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