Uppsala University, Department of Informatics and Media

The Department of Informatics and Media at Uppsala University conducts education and research at Ekonomikum in Uppsala and Campus Gotland in Visby. At the department, various aspects of digitization's prerequisites, possibilities, and consequences are studied in relation to individuals, organizations, and social institutions. For more information, see the department's website: http://www.im.uu.se/.

Duties and project description
The doctoral position is located at the unit for human-computer interaction in the project "Controlling the uncontrollable: the impact of reproductive health apps on experiences of pregnancy, midwives' working conditions and data privacy". The project focuses on understanding the importance of personal technology such as apps on reproductive health experiences. The project aims to study these new technological players in reproductive health. We want to know what role they play for healthcare professionals and healthcare institutions, as well as for women's and men's interpretation of and experiences with reproduction and partnership. As well as what data the companies behind the apps collect. Read more about the project here: Controlling the Uncontrollable: The Impact of Reproductive Health Apps on Experiences of Pregnancy, Healthcare Professionals’ Work and Data Governance - Uppsala University (uu.se)

Education at postgraduate level covers four years full-time and is financed through employment as a doctoral student. The doctoral student is expected to devote their main working time to research-level education and is expected to actively participate in the department's seminar activities, workshops, conferences and other research-related activities that take place at the department. Other duties such as teaching and research administration - in English and/or Swedish - may also be included within the scope of employment (max. 20%).

To be admitted to graduate level education in human-computer interaction, the applicant must have completed a degree at advanced level, completed course requirements of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits at advanced level, or acquired equivalent knowledge in other ways in Sweden or abroad. A suitable background is a master's degree in human-computer interaction or in another relevant social science discipline. A general specification of the doctoral education can be downloaded from: Faculty of Social Sciences - Uppsala University (uu.se).

We are looking for a candidate with a strong interest in human-computer interaction and technology in the intimate part of life. Great emphasis will be placed on the candidate's personal suitability. Desirable qualities include proven collaborative skills, initiative, independence, a reflective and analytical approach. Very good communication skills, incl. the ability to express oneself in English in both speech and writing is necessary.

Knowledge of English equivalent to English 6 (Swedish bachelor's degree fulfills the requirement in English) is a requirement. It is possible to demonstrate that the language requirements are met through TOEFL/IELTS/Previous high school or university studies.

Desirable skills / meritorious
(i) courses in human-computer interaction (in case the master's degree is in another subject); (ii) experience in the research process, including writing scientific articles and its presentation at conferences and publication in scientific journals; (iii) experience/training in scientific method; (iv) work experience from professional work in business and/or the public sector; (v); demonstrable knowledge of feminist methods, theories and approaches; (vi); technical and/or design background.

When the university hires new doctoral students, the applicants will be chosen who, after a qualitative overall assessment of competence and skill, are judged to have the best conditions to carry out and develop current tasks, especially within the current doctoral projects, as well as contribute to a positive development of the activities in the area.

The merits must be documented so that both quality and extent can be assessed.

Interviews will be held via physical interview at Uppsala University or online.

Additional information
For a description of PhD Programme within the Department of Informatics and Media, see Faculty of Social Sciences - Uppsala University (uu.se) and PhD studies - Informatics and media, Uppsala University (uu.se)

Further information about the Subject Human-Computer Interaction see Research Human-Computer Interaction - Uppsala University (uu.se)

Further information about PhD studies at Uppsala University is available at:
PhD studies - Uppsala University (uu.se)

Complete applications must include: 

  • A concise letter of application documenting:
    1. The motives why you are applying, your research interest, and relevant experiences for the PhD post (max 500 words)
    2. A list of documents submitted to support the application
    3. If more than one academic work is handed in, you should name one of them to be prioritized by the admission committee.
  • A dissertation plan (two pages, in English). The plan should cover theoretical approach, aim, research questions, type of data, method and time plan.
  • Curriculum Vitae/Résumé, including English proficiency, with certified transcript(s) of your academic record/degree(s) to date, proving eligibility,
  • A copy of independently written work produced within the applicant's course of studies (e.g. bachelor or master thesis; include a draft if not completed) or other relevant text(s)
  • Other documents the applicant may wish to attach in support of their application (e.g. English test results).

PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University's rules and guidelines http://regler.uu.se/?languageld=l.

Uppsala University strives to be an inclusive workplace that promotes equal opportunities and attracts qualified candidates who can contribute to the University's excellence and diversity. We welcome applications from all sections of the community and from people of all backgrounds.

Salary: According to local agreement for PhD students.
Start date: 1 November 2024
Conditions of employment: Temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 § 7.
Scope of employment: 100 % (1.0 FTE)

For further information about the position please contact: Docent Lina Eklund, lina.eklund@im.uu.se or, Head of Department of Informatics and Media – Tomas Eklund, tomas.eklund@im.uu.se.

Please submit your application by, at the latest, August 12 2024, , quoting reference UFV-PA 2024/2371.

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100
City Uppsala
County Uppsala län
Country Sweden
Reference number UFV-PA 2024/2371
Union representative
  • Seko Universitetsklubben, seko@uu.se
  • ST/TCO, tco@fackorg.uu.se
  • Saco-S-föreningen, saco-s@uu.se
Published 20.Jun.2024
Last application date 12.Aug.2024 11:59 PM CEST

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