Uppsala University, Department of Medicinal Chemistry

The Department of Medicinal Chemistry at Uppsala University is a strong and international research environment. The department has about 85 employees and here, doctoral students, teachers, researchers and administrators work closely together in a creative and open environment. More information about the department can be found at www.ilk.uu.se.

We are now seeking a highly motivated researcher that can contribute to the development of new C-H functionalization methods. The researcher will be working in the research group “Drug Design and Discovery” in the FORMAS-supported project ”E-CHoSyn” with Assoc. Prof. Oscar Verho. This project seeks to develop new environmentally-benign C-H functionalization methods, where electrochemistry is used as an enabling technology to allow these reactions to occur at lower temperatures and without the need for overstoichiometric amounts of silver oxidants.

Duties and Project Description
The work will be conducted in the research group “Drug Design and Discovery” and will be performed within Assoc. Prof Oscar Verho’s “E-CHoSyn” project, which seeks to contribute to the development of new electrocatalytic C-H functionalization methods and their utilization for the valorization of biomass. The position will primarily involve practical synthesis work and methodology development in a lab environment. As a member of the research group, you are expected to independently plan and execute synthetic chemistry experiments, analyze and document all the results, as well as contribute to the writing of research manuscripts and reports. You are also expected to present your results on meetings and seminar within the research group and at the department. This position will be dedicated 100% to research, i.e. no teaching assignments will be a part of this position; however responsibilities could come to include the supervision of undergraduate and PhD students that can come to be recruited to the project. As a part of this position, you will also have some basic responsibility for the project’s electrochemistry equipment, and you might be asked for advice regarding the purchasing of new electrochemistry equipment.

At the date of the employment, the candidate should have obtained a PhD degree or other equivalent degree in the area of Organic Chemistry or any other chemistry discipline closely related to this project. You should have extensive experience within organic chemistry and synthesis, and furthermore it is essential that you have previous practical research experience connected to the utilization of electrochemistry to catalyze or promote organic reactions (i.e. experience within the area of synthetic electrocatalysis). Good practical and theoretical knowledge regarding commonly used electrochemistry equipment and set-ups for organic chemistry applications is an absolute necessity to be able to contribute to the project. Furthermore, knowledge of common analytic methods for organic synthesis, such as NMR, LC-MS or GC will is considered meriting. It will also be particularly meriting if you can show previous experience in assembling and designing electrochemical set-ups for organic synthesis. Since the working languages of the research group is Swedish and English, you should be fluent in at least one of these languages.

The application should contain the following:

  • Cover letter describing previous research background (1 – 2 pages)
  • CV (including research experience, publication list and contact information to two references)

Candidates will be ranked by the project leader. We seek to recruit the candidate that is the most qualified for the position and its responsibilities. Furthermore, we seek a candidate that can contribute to the advancement of the research project as well as the department. Particular attention will be given to previous research experience within synthetic electrochemistry.

About the employment
The employmen is a temporary position, 12 months. Scope of employment 100%. Starting date as soon as posssible. Area of placement: Uppsala

For further information about the position, please contact: Assoc. Prof. Oscar Verho, oscar.verho@ilk.uu.se, Head of Department Mikael Hedeland, mikael.hedeland@ilk.uu.se

Please submit your application by 24 May 2024, UFV-PA 2024/1547.

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Type of employment Special fixed-term employment
Contract type Full time
First day of employment Enbligt överenskommelse
Salary Individual salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Uppsala
County Uppsala län
Country Sweden
Reference number UFV-PA 2024/1547
Union representative
  • Seko Universitetsklubben, seko@uadm.uu.se
  • ST/TCO, tco@fackorg.uu.se
  • Saco-rådet, saco@uadm.uu.se
Published 07.May.2024
Last application date 24.May.2024 11:59 PM CEST

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