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Postdoctoral position in correlation spectroscopy characterization of magnetization dynamics
Are you interested in working with characterizing dynamics of magnetic materials using synchtrotron-based and in-house available techniques. We welcome you to apply for a postdoc position at Uppsala University.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy is one of Uppsala University's largest with almost 400 employees. The department conducts research in both theoretical and experimental physics in nine research divisions. Around 2,500 students study at the department every year. Read more on
Arrays of nanoscale magnetic elements, referred to as mesospins, provide a versatile platform for creating customized magnetic metamaterials. Their equilibrium dynamics is intricately linked to mesospin shape and dimensionality. Artificial spin ice structures are a category of magnetic metamaterials, commanding considerable attention due to their capacity to mimic quantum spin liquids and ices at the mesoscale. In these engineered spin ice materials, magnetic nano-islands effectively function as giant spins, exhibiting fluctuating behavior. The interactions between these islands can be precisely manipulated through lithographic techniques. The research project will primarily focus on the measurement on nanoscale dynamics in, magnetic metamaterials using resonant XPCS at the dichroic L2,3-edges of 3d-transition metals in the soft X-ray range (Soft-XPCS).
Soft-XPCS will delve into the correlated fluctuations within such metamaterials. Such fluctuations occur collectively in the arrays making up the magnetic metamaterials but also within mesospins. The unprecedented access to nanosecond dynamics enables resolvng these intra-particle excitations.
In the wider framework of current research activities at the Department of Physics and Astronomy with Soft-XPCS, project activities will also be strongly linked to other areas of interest as skyrmion systems or domains in helical rare-earth antiferromagnets. Such material systems are synthesized in-house and can be studied using again dichroic L2,3-edges of 3d-transition metals or M4,5-edges of 4f elements. Employing this approach there is sensitivity to spin as well as charge and orbital states. Effects than can be studied here include among others, skyrmion-skyrmion interactions, thermal diffusion of skyrmions, dynamics of magnetic helices and domain walls.
The goal is to create a better conceptual understanding of the relevant dynamics, mesoscale physics and emergence phenomena in nano-/meso-scale magnetic systems. A complete set of theory, simulation and experimental tools exists in-house, with strong expert collaborations on the national and international levels. You will lead the simulation and experimental work for the characterization of magnetization dynamics using Soft-XPCS nano- and meso-scale magnetic structures. Furthermore, magnetic microscopy, advanced nanolithography and magneto-optical characterization will be included in the project.
The main part of the work will be performed at the Division of Materials Physics and the FREIA-Laboratory of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University. Further work will be performed at large-scale facilities, including synchrotrons like MAX IV, PETRA III and others. Please see and for more information about the research at the Division of Materials Physics and the FREIA-Laboratory.
Your major responsibility as a postdoctoral fellow is to perform your line of research in a general setting of a research group. The position might include co-supervision of Master and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.
We search for a candidate with a PhD degree in experimental/applied physics. Those who have obtained a PhD degree three years prior to the application deadline are primarily considered for the employment. The starting point of the two-year frame period is the application deadline. Due to special circumstances, the degree may have been obtained earlier. The two-year period can be extended due to circumstances such as sick leave, parental leave, duties in labour unions, etc.
We require also that the applicant has previous post-doctoral experience within a combination of relevant subjects. A background directly related to the project (nano-magnetism, magneto-optics, synchrotron-based experimental techniques, scattering, micro-magnetic simulations) is required, together with excellent skills in data analysis.
Additional qualifications
Good communication skills in English are also presumed. Knowledge of Swedish is meritorious.
About the employment
The employment is a temporary position of 2 years according to central collective agreement. Full time position. Starting date 1 April 2024 or as agreed. Placement: Uppsala
For further information about the position, please contact: Prof. Vassilios Kapaklis, and Prof. Hermann Dürr,
Please submit your application by 1 March 2024 UFV-PA UFV-PA 2024/534.
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Type of employment | Temporary position |
Contract type | Full time |
First day of employment | 2024-04-01 |
Salary | Individual salary |
Number of positions | 1 |
Full-time equivalent | 100% |
City | Uppsala |
County | Uppsala län |
Country | Sweden |
Reference number | UFV-PA 2024/534 |
Union representative |
Published | 16.Feb.2024 |
Last application date | 01.Mar.2024 11:59 PM CET |