Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Cell Biology

PhD student in Medical Cell Biology - diabetes, exocytosis, and advanced imaging

The Department of Medical Cell Biology at Uppsala University is a strong and international research environment. The department has more than 110 employees, of which about 25 are doctoral students, 10 postdoctoral fellows, and 40 researchers, teachers and professors.

The PhD project aims to understand mechanisms behind calcium-dependent exocytosis in hormone-secreting cells of the pancreas, primarily by using advanced microscopy. The focus will be on how the interaction between SNAREs and other proteins catalyzes membrane fusion, and how these processes are affected by cellular context and in type-2 diabetes. Methods include live cell and superresolution microscopy, image analysis, and molecular biology. 

To meet the entry requirements for doctoral studies, you must

  • - hold a Master’s (second-cycle) degree in biomedicine, cell biology, neuroscience, biotechnology or other relevant field, or
  • - have completed at least 240 credits in higher education, with at least 60 credits at Master’s level including an independent project worth at least 15 credits, or
  • - have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way.

The applicant must have a strong interest and ability for basic research within these areas. Documented knowledge and practical experience in advanced live-cell fluorescent microscopy, image analysis, and patch-clamp electrophysiology is a strong merit. The candidate is expected to have excellent study results, and be proficient in oral and written communication in English. Employment as PhD student requires that the candidate is, or will be, admitted for postgraduate studies at Uppsala University.

Information about education at the postgraduate level, admission requirements and admission decisions can be found at https://mp.uu.se/en/web/info/forska/forskarutbildning/medicin-och-farmaci/

Additional qualifications

The application should contain a brief motivation and description of relevant experiences, CV, copies of diplomas and transcripts, and the applicant’s MSc thesis (or similar). Please also include contact information of previous research supervisors or other references.

The doctoral student employment is limited to a maximum of 4 years full-time studies. Holders of PhD positions shall primarily devote themselves to their own postgraduate education, but other work such as teaching and administrative work may be included up to 20 % of the employment. The position will be extended with the teaching period to enable four years of full-time studies.

Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University's rules and guidelines.

About the employment
The employment is a temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 § 7. Scope of employment 100 %. Starting date as agreed. Placement: Uppsala

For further information about the position, please contact: Sebastian Barg, 018-471 46 60, sebastian.barg@mcb.uu.se

Please submit your application by the 20th of February 2024, UFV-PA 2024/329.

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Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
Salary Fixed salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Uppsala
County Uppsala län
Country Sweden
Reference number UFV-PA 2024/329
  • Sebastian Barg, 018-4714660
Union representative
  • ST/TCO, tco@fackorg.uu.se
  • Seko Universitetsklubben, seko@uadm.uu.se
  • Saco-rådet, saco@uadm.uu.se
Published 30.Jan.2024
Last application date 20.Feb.2024 11:59 PM CET

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