Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences

Postdoctoral position in Exploration Geophysics - focus on AI and DAS

The Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University is Sweden’s largest and most versatile department of its kind with approximately 280 employees. Our activities are interdisciplinary and combine natural science and technology with social science. We have research programs in air, water and landscape science; geophysics; natural resources and sustainable development; petrology, mineralogy and tectonics; paleobiology, and wind energy. By investigating the history of Earth, we understand how our planet has developed over time and how sustainable development benefits from this knowledge.

Innovative seismic solutions are required for high-resolution imaging of the subsurface at various scales and for different purposes. To meet the climate goals, an accelerated effort is needed to help energy transition and decarbonization of our industry. This should enter in all domains of activities including in exploration for critical raw materials. The geophysics program is currently running projects involving studies of major crustal structures of the Baltic Shield, novel geophysical instruments and methods for deep mineral exploration, urban geophysics, geological storage of CO2, and development of electromagnetic instruments and methods for near-surface and deep crustal-scale studies. In particular, we coordinate the recently established Smart Exploration Research Centre (funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF) where three other major universities and several industry partners participate. The geophysics program runs its own ~2500-channel (cabled and 1C/3C wireless), a state-of-the-art 120-3C seismic landstreamer acquisition system, and uses modern processing and imaging software. It is also well equipped with modern downhole logging equipment and distributed acoustic sensing interrogators. The program also runs the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN), consisting of about 70 permanent broadband stations, and has an extensive equipment pool for passive field studies. Further information about the program and the department can be found at http://www.geo.uu.se.

The postdoc will conduct research within the newly established Smart Exploration Research Centre. A major component of the research involves developing machine-learning algorithms for hardrock seismic applications combined with cutting-edge DAS solutions for both deep targeting and site characterization including mine tailings. The researcher will also work within a larger research team including experts from different universities and industry partners. It is also possible to be part of a series of geophysical prototype testing and validation work.  

PhD degree in geophysics or related geosciences or a foreign degree equivalent to a PhD degree in geophysics. The degree needs to be obtained by the time of the decision of employment. Those who have obtained a PhD degree three years prior to the application deadline are primarily considered for the employment. The starting point of the three-year frame period is the application deadline. Due to special circumstances, the degree may have been obtained earlier. The three-year period can be extended due to circumstances such as sick leave, parental leave, duties in labor unions, etc.

We are seeking a motivated candidate with strong interest in research. The candidate should have experience and knowledge on seismic imaging and DAS data acquisition and processing workflows, instrumentations and programming in Python (or any equivalent required for machine-learning work). Good oral and written proficiency in English is required. The project includes field works and the candidate should be willing to spend time in the field collecting data; a driving license may be needed.

Additional qualifications
Well-organized and multi-tasking, responsible to promote project activities through high-quality publications, open-minded and team player with good social skills.

In your application include your CV, certified copies of diplomas and certificates, and a personal letter describing yourself and your relevant experience (maximum 2 pages). The application should also contain a summary of your PhD thesis and eventual publications, and contact information for, or letters from at least two referees. In your cover letter specifically explain how much your experience fits the position.

About the employment
The employment is a temporary position of 2 years according to central collective agreement. Full time position. Starting date 1 April 2024 or as agreed. Placement: Uppsala

For further information about the position, please contact: 

Prof. Alireza Malehmir tel. +46(0)18-471 2335, e-mail: alireza.malehmir@geo.uu.se

Please submit your application by 15 March, 2024, UFV-PA 2023/4985.

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Type of employment Temporary position
Employment expires 2026-03-31
Contract type Full time
First day of employment 2024-04-01
Salary Individual salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Uppsala
County Uppsala län
Country Sweden
Reference number UFV-PA 2023/4985
Union representative
  • Seko Universitetsklubben, seko@uadm.uu.se
  • ST/TCO, tco@fackorg.uu.se
  • Saco-rådet, saco@uadm.uu.se
Published 08.Jan.2024
Last application date 15.Mar.2024 11:59 PM CET

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