Uppsala University, Department of Electrical Engineering

Electrification and digitalisation are among the largest areas for the future in the conversion to sustainable societies. The Department of Electrical Engineering conducts successful research and education in the areas - renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, industrial IoT, 6G communication and wireless sensor networks as well as research and education within Life Science, smart electronic sensors and medical systems. The Department of Electrical Engineering is an international workplace with around 150 employees that all contribute to important technical energy and health challenges at the Ångström Laboratory.

Come and work with us!
We are searching for one to two PhD students for this position. The position will be at the Division of Electricity, at the Department of Electrical Engineering. Here you will find a friendly work environment with a lively doctoral network and a variety of experimental projects. The Division of Electricity works in collaboration with Swedish companies - public and private - and stakeholders in the different fields of research. We look forward to receiving your application. Join us and build the future with us!

Project description
Dependency on rare earth metals is a challenge for future electrification as rare earth metals are considered critical raw materials. The aim of this project is to reduce the use of rare earth metals through the substitution to new magnets without, or with less, rare earth metals. The new magnets will be both weaker and easier to demagnetize than conventional magnets and therefore new simulation models need to be developed for the unique magnets, and implemented in simulation software for electric motor design. The new models will be more advanced than existing models and adapted for the new magnets and will therefore model the magnets more accurately. Furthermore, new innovative motor types must be developed that are adapted to the new magnets. Finally, an electric motor for electromobility will be designed, built and tested with the new magnets, thus demonstrating that the new magnets can substitute conventional rare earth magnets. Both the new magnets and the electric motor must be designed so that the magnets can be recycled to further contribute to sustainable electrification.

 The research group at Uppsala University has extensive experience in research on various types of electrical machines as well as a large laboratory. We offer varied and exciting work that is designed by the PhD student and the research group together. The PhD student will be supervised by at least two supervisors and the research group consists of several seniors and PhD students working with electrical machines and modelling. Apart from the industrial cooperation there are good possibilities to collaborate with other PhD students in the research group. The Department of Electrical Engineering also gives a salary supplement to the PhD students at the department. 

The project is part of a large EU project with several international partners who regularly meet and exchange results, so the PhD student will regularly travel and present results. The project will also be associated with the Swedish Electromobility Centre, a national center for electromobility with partners from Swedish Universities and Swedish industry. This means, among other things, that the PhD student, together with several other PhD students at the division, will be part of a PhD student network that holds regular seminars, summer schools, social activities etc.

The PhD student will conduct research on permanent magnets and electric motors and the tasks will include simulations with FEM and experiments. Another part of the work as a PhD student is to write research papers and to orally present the research results in different forums such as project group meetings as well as international research conferences. The main duties for PhD students are to devote themselves to their research studies which include participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The courses should comprise 60 credits and the majority of the courses are optional and can be spread out throughout the doctoral period. The work duties also include educational tasks, for example giving tutorials or supervising labs / project work. Teaching and other department duties can take up a maximum of 20% of the working time.


  • A master degree or equivalent in electrical engineering, engineering physics, material science and engineering, energy systems or similar.
  • Very good oral and written proficiency in English. 
  • We value your personal qualities such as strong motivation, good cooperation and communication skills. You must be goal oriented, structured and able to work effectively both individually and in a group.

Additional qualifications
Experience in electrical machines and experimental work are considered as merits. Experience from working in industry is also advantageous. Good knowledge of spoken and written Swedish is considered a merit.

Rules governing PhD students are set out in the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5, §§ 1-7 and in Uppsala University's rules and guidelines.

You should include a brief description of your research interests and relevant experience, a CV, copies of diplomas and certificates, thesis (or a draft thereof) and other relevant documents. You are encouraged to provide contact information to reference.

About the employment
The employment is a temporary position according to the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 5 § 7. Scope of employment 100 %. Starting date as agreed. Placement: Uppsala 

For further information about the position, please contact: Sandra Eriksson, 018-4715823, sandra.eriksson@uu.se  

Please submit your application by February 29th 2024, UFV-PA 2023/4902. 

Are you considering moving to Sweden to work at Uppsala University? Find out more about what it´s like to work and live in Sweden.

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment As agreed
Salary According to local collective agreement
Number of positions 2
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Uppsala
County Uppsala län
Country Sweden
Reference number UFV-PA 2023/4902
Union representative
  • ST/TCO, tco@fackorg.uu.se
  • Seko Universitetsklubben, seko@uu.se
  • Saco-S-föreningen, saco-s@uu.se
Published 19.Jan.2024
Last application date 29.Feb.2024 11:59 PM CET

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