Uppsala University, Department of Physics and Astronomy

The research conducted at the Department of Physics and Astronomy encompasses a wide range of physics topics, distributed over ten divisions. The department is located in the Ångström laboratory and employs nearly 400 people, 125 of whom are doctoral students. It offers a broad physics curriculum to undergraduate and graduate students, participation in nationally and internationally leading projects for researchers, and opportunities for partnership with industry and various outreach activities. To learn more please visit: www.physics.uu.se

Information about the project

Magnetic materials are currently pursued in emerging green technologies: in magnetic refrigeration and renewable power conversion. Within this project, funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, we are addressing both academic as well as industrial challenges behind a successful outcome of these technologies. The research team behind the project is cross-disciplinary (bridging physics, chemistry and engineering), with leading expertise in materials synthesis, characterisation and theory. It includes several research groups at Uppsala University and the Royal Institute of Technology, as well as industry partners (Höganäs AB and Sandvik AB). We expect to identify several materials that hitherto have not been identified for permanent magnet applications, with large energy product and better price-performance and that in addition are environmentally friendlier than what is explored currently. In the sub-project on magnetocalorics the goal is to identify new and improved magnetic materials with optimal magnetocaloric effect, for use in refrigeration technologies. The contribution of the Materials Physics division in this project is to perform magnetic domain observations and analysis on samples produced by all collaborating groups, and to produce candidate materials in the form of thin films and heterostructures (crystalline or amorphous) as test systems for investigating specific properties. Domain investigations provide key information on the magnetic properties of the materials for both permanent magnets and magnetocalorics.

The work will be performed at the Division of Materials Physics of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University. Please see http://www.physics.uu.se/research/materials-physics+/ for more information about the research in the Division of Materials Physics.

Major responsibilities

You will lead the experimental work in the characterisation of magnetic domain structures in bulk materials as well as thin films, using magneto-optic techniques (Kerr microscopy and MOKE setups) as well as magnetic force microscopy, and subsequent image analysis. Furthermore, synthesis of thin films and epitaxial superlattices by e.g. magnetron sputtering, and subsequent structural characterisation, will be included in the project.

Your major responsibility as scientist is to perform your line of research in a general setting of a research group. The position might include supervision of Master and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.


We search for a candidate with a PhD degree in experimental/applied physics. We require also that the applicant has previous post-doctoral experience within a combination of relevant subjects. A background directly related to the project (magnetic domain investigations, thin film synthesis by PVD) is required, together with excellent skills in data analysis.

Very good communication skills in spoken and written English, including but not limited to presentation of scientific results, are also presumed. The department offers possibilities for developing communication skills in Swedish.

The application should be written in English, and it should include:

  • 1 Letter of motivation, with a short description of your research interests, and with a motivation for why you are a good match for the project (max two pages, ideally one).
  • 2 CV, including a description of relevant skills and experiences, as well as a full publication list.
  • 3 Copy of degree diploma, and official transcripts.
  • 4 Contact information to a minimum of two individuals, who can provide reference information to support your application, with a short description of how these individuals are professionally related to you. 

In the event of special circumstances leading to a career break, these should be mentioned in the CV (with dates) so that the assessment of scientific output can take these factors into account. Examples of such special circumstances include a leave of absence due to sickness, parental leave, serving on commissions of trust, military service etc

Salary: Individual salary.

Starting date: 01-09-2020 or as otherwise agreed.

Type of employment: Temporary position ending 31-08-2021.

Scope of employment: 100%

For further information about the position please contact: professor Gabriella Andersson, e-mail gabriella.andersson@physics.uu.se, phone +46 (0)18 471 3589. For administrative queries, please contact HR-administrator at 113pers@physics.uu.se and for Departmental questions, the Head of Department Olof Karis, prefekt@physics.uu.se.

Please submit your application by 26 June 2020, UFV-PA 2020/2245.

Are you considering moving to Sweden to work at Uppsala University? If so, you will find a lot of information about working and living in Sweden at www.uu.se/joinus. You are also welcome to contact International Faculty and Staff Services at ifss@uadm.uu.se.

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment 20200901
Salary Individual salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Uppsala
County Uppsala län
Country Sweden
Reference number UFV-PA 2020/2245
Union representative
  • Seko Universitetsklubben, seko@uadm.uu.se
  • ST/TCO, tco@fackorg.uu.se
  • Saco-rådet, saco@uadm.uu.se
Published 11.Jun.2020
Last application date 26.Jun.2020 11:59 PM CEST

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